Floor Heating Benefits From a 7000 Year History

The installation of underfloor heating is an excellent way to improve your home in your next remodelling project. It has been in use for over 7,000 years and modern systems are very efficient and have some significant benefits over conventional heating systems.

The Romans have been widely credited with the invention and introduction of floor heating. More recent archeological evidence suggests that the practise probably originated 5000 BC in the Indus Valley, South Asia.

The Indus Valley was home to the largest of the four ancient urban civilizations of India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. Undiscovered until the 1920's most of its ruins have yet to be excavated.

There is evidence for the Indus Valley civilisation dating from 6000 BC and continuing until as late as 1000 BC. The civilisation gradually disappeared as a result of significant changes in local river systems.

The archaeological evidence suggests that underfloor heating was invented by these great cultures and came to the Romans via trade and the interchange of people. The Romans used floor heating extensively and they spread the practise throughout their empire as they expanded their dominion.

The Romans used a system of networks under floors and circulated hot air through the walls so that both the walls and floors were heated. This form of heating was strictly for the wealthy as many slaves were needed to constantly tend the furnaces.

With the advent of central heating the use of floor heating became less popular and wasn't really re-introduced until the 1960's as both electrical and hydronic systems became more economical.

Floor heating is now gaining popularity once again as systems become more economical and efficient. This is particularly the case as energy becomes more expensive and the many benefits of floor heating become more widely recognised.

If you are looking to remodel your home consider the many advantages of electric floor heating:

  • Energy Efficiency: With radiant floor heating systems, approximately half the energy is emitted into the room as low temperature radiant heat. This process is very efficient as it provides a lower ambient air temperature allowing you to feel warmer at a lower temperature because the radiant heat lowers the heat loss from your body
  • Healthier Heating: Radiant floor heating is healthier than other forms of heating as the entire floor acts as one huge radiator there are no hot-spots to generate big air-currents that carry irritants around the room.
  • Silent Operation: Electric underfloor heating is silent as there are no moving parts so no banging and knocking noises like you always get from radiators.
  • No Radiators: Nothing unsightly (like radiators) projecting into your rooms looking ugly and preventing you from placing that piece of furniture exactly where you want it!
  • Comfortable Heat Radiant heat is the most comfortable form of heat. It gently and evenly warms us in the same way as the sun. It mimics the type of warmth we associate with a perfect summer's day: warm, but not stuffy.

Whoever invented floor heating there is no doubt that the efficiency & effectiveness of modern day systems are bringing a resurgence of this most comfortable form of heating.

James is an expert in floor heating systems and floor heating products.

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