House Remodeling - Are You inspecting a Ranch Style Design?

If you are considering house remodeling in a ranch style you probably desire some of the following features for your home:

  • a uncomplicated asymmetrical design in an L-shape, U-shape or rectangular shape
  • long, low pitched gable roof
  • large, overhanging eaves
  • large windows
  • open floor plan
  • natural materials
  • decorative shutters and porch
  • attached garage

Flooring Story

This can be relatively easy to accomplish providing you have the right house to work with. Obviously, you are not going to be able to make the surface of a two or three storey town house look ranch style but most bungalows, cottages and spanish style houses could be adapted.

Similarly, if you are seeing to remodel your ranch style home into a different style, this is also inherent within reason.

Ranch style houses do not need to be singular storey. If you have two levels or you want more space you might want to reconsider a raised ranch style on split levels. These are less keen than the singular storey homes, but beyond doubt more practical if you have miniature ground floor space for expansion.

When the cost of converting your house externally is too much even for your dream style home, reconsider remodeling just the inside of the house. Take off some of the internal walls that are not structural (i.e. Holding up the house), replace floors with genuine or mock oak flooring and expose the beams of your house if you have them (it is even inherent to have fake beams put into your home). Keep the interior uncomplicated and open plan and decorate accordingly.

Creating your dream ranch style home need not be cost prohibitive, but there may be areas where you will have to be more creative with the design, buildings and materials you already have.

House Remodeling - Are You inspecting a Ranch Style Design?

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